Sunday, October 15, 2006

Against (and with) The Wind

Images of Forrest Gump running and the song 'Against the Wind' kept flashing through my mind...until 'Eye of the Tiger' came on my I-Pod. Then it was all Rocky running uphill. Where is all of this wind coming from, and why is it that my cross training days seem to be much calmer weather-wise? Gusts were up to 15mph yesterday (I didn't know this until I looked it up after my run), but I still strapped on the shoes for a run. Whatever doesn't kill me only makes me stronger, right? It might be windy on race day, or it will be calm and the run seem relatively easy - either way, getting out there is a win-win.

Overall, it was a good run. I love the fact that I can run ten miles and the only cumbrous is time. I could have kept going, but I know that I have to keep things moderate. I felt fine during my run and after. No joint or muscle soreness. On Friday my hips had started to get tight early. Maybe because of the hill work.

One more week to race day! I think I still need to work on keeping myself better hydrated. I run with my small bottles of gatorade, but I don't think I sip from them enough. Next time I run I am going to do the whole weight yourself before and after to see if I am loosing too much water. The cooler temps are really helping though. However, I think that the cooler temps have my body reacting differently. Perhaps my feet were swelling more in the warmer temps so that my shoes fit differently? Is this possible? I find that my left shoe's tongue keeps moving to the side all of a sudden and pushing on the tendon at the top of my foot making it sore. I am experimenting with different ways to tie my shoe to prevent this from happening.

Today, cross training and weight training at the gym (and look, no wind, sunny and warmer outside today!)


Blogger about me said...

We have some pretty gusty winds in South Florida, and I hate 'em! But I'm with you on the "what doesn't kill us makes us stronger" bit. I figure I can't control the weather on race day, so might as well get out there and train in whatever Mother Nature throws at me.

Good luck!

October 15, 2006 12:47 PM  
Blogger Running Fool 22 said...

Thanks for the support! I guess none of us will have perfect weather...I get the cold winters and you have the hot, humid summers, right?

Good luck on the Miami marathon!

October 15, 2006 8:06 PM  

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